Carbon Neutral Company

Carbon Neutral Company

We provide high-impact climate compensation options for our customers

Step zero

When you make your company carbon neutral, you are not only contributing to Hungary’s climate protection efforts, you are also reducing your extra profit by spending it on good causes. Carbon neutralisation is simple I...
Read more >> "Step zero"

Step one

Reducing the carbon footprint The carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere in a year. Whether it is generated by a person’s lifestyle or released directly or indirectly into the...
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Step two

Link to carbon neutrality campaigns The first steps to reduce your carbon footprint are the simplest. Results are fast, within reach, easily achieved through almost “invisible” energy efficiency initiatives and decisions. But as in all...
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If you have any questions or require a specific offer, you can contact us by clicking on the Contact menu. The process of certification and issuing a certificate You or your colleague can calculate the...
Read more >> "Validation"
Step Zero | Carbon Neutral Company

Step zero

When you make your company carbon neutral, you are not only contributing to Hungary’s climate protection efforts, you are also reducing your extra profit by spending it on good causes.

Carbon neutralisation is simple

Step Zero | Carbon Neutral Company

I am responsible for my family, for my professional presence, for my environment and even for my actions, the consequences of which are not yet clear.

As the head of a company, you have an incredible scope for action that directly or indirectly affects hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of families.

You and I act at our own level of decision-making every day and are faced with choices that, among many other outcomes, aim for ecological survival. Participation in a voluntary carbon neutralisation project on my part will neutralise a small carbon footprint, but your competence may have an impact that cannot even be measured now.

There is no way of knowing which of us will be in a position to have a bigger butterfly effect in shaping our future, but for now, you have more power in your hands. Please make sure that we do not find ourselves in predicaments, that the predictions of economic and ecological collapse are not right.

We have a huge responsibility, and you know the real circumstances and changes better than I do.

If you would like to participate in an internationally certified, validated, voluntary carbon neutralisation project, please contact me or your colleague!

What I can offer you is to connect you with professionals who

  • can calculate your company’s carbon footprint, and
  • the level of voluntary carbon credit purchase required for market or tender purposes,
  • can engage your company in a transparent, simple, public, online, verifiable and well communicated carbon neutralisation programme, and
  • provide you with information and background materials for your corporate communications,
  • tailored to your industry and target group if necessary.

The results will be carbon neutrality programmes that actually happen, leading to effective action in the long term. Participation in these will ensure that your company’s name is associated with them and is recognised as one of the true green actors. This is now expected by your partners, employees and consumers.

More and more companies are indicating the carbon footprint of their employees’ work on their monthly payslips. It is through small steps like these that individual responsibility and its imprint on our living environment will become more and more present in our lives.

We have been partners in countless successful carbon neutralisation projects, but this requires you to make the decision, to realise that this is not just another expense(!), but an investment, where you can choose the most appropriate tool from a wide range of instruments. The projects that can be selected have the same value of carbon credits and all meet the sustainability criteria.

This can be both necessary and voluntary in your case. Our experts can advise you on the most appropriate rate for your company.

In addition to long and short-term targets, it is worth considering your short and long-term goals, not least your carbon plans.

We would be happy to facilitate your carbon neutrality tasks so that you can continue to focus on your business goals and what you need to do!


Go to Step One >>

Step one

Reducing the carbon footprint

The carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere in a year. Whether it is generated by a person’s lifestyle or released directly or indirectly into the air during the life cycle of a product, it can be measured for any activity. Below we also present our carbon footprint calculator. Try it out!


Step one - Reducing the carbon footprint
Source: Pixabay

Carbon emissions are the total greenhouse gas emissions. We can interpret it by type of activity, industry, geographical area, etc., but ultimately it affects climate change for the Earth as a whole.

Following the principle of “Act local, think global”, the first steps in carbon neutralisation can be taken at the local level, i.e. building on individual and corporate responsibility. However, it is not enough to take these steps, it is crucial to provide credible, visible proof.

Decisions taken locally can provide employees with credible information that their company is actively involved in creating a workplace that operates according to sustainable values. As a result, they themselves are more likely to make ecologically responsible, low-carbon choices in their workplace and living environment.

However, beyond the local spaces for action, the need and voluntary demand for carbon neutrality calls for further action. This will focus on projects that can be achieved by purchasing carbon credits. Initiatives with a higher impact than previous investments will also be considered, with the possibility of further participation in audited carbon neutralisation programmes.

Carbon footprint calculation

A carbon footprint calculation for companies provides a complex picture of all aspects of your company’s emissions. The study, which includes direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions, is both a basis for development plans and a report that can be used officially. It is suitable for government or industry reporting, for national or international tenders and for business partners.

Carbon neutralisation involves the purchase of carbon credits, i.e. participation in and ex-post support for carbon neutralisation projects. Their quality and credibility are a guarantee that real carbon emission reductions will be achieved.

Free carbon footprint calculator

The first step is often to face up to the carbon footprint and resource requirements of even the simplest activity. This is the point that spurs many people into action and change.

Experience has shown that the easier it is to make contact, the earlier the initial calculations and carbon neutralisation plan are made, the more obvious the solution is to buy voluntary carbon credits.

Participation in audited schemes is public and traceable.


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Link to carbon neutrality campaigns | Carbon Neutral Company

Step two

Link to carbon neutrality campaigns

The first steps to reduce your carbon footprint are the simplest. Results are fast, within reach, easily achieved through almost “invisible” energy efficiency initiatives and decisions.

But as in all individual and business areas, additional targets and measurable results are needed. These expected (necessary) or imagined (voluntary) carbon footprint reduction targets can be achieved through regular review.

Whether further emission neutralisation can be achieved by locally applied means varies from industry to industry, product to product, service to service. An accepted and supported solution for carbon neutrality is to join an existing qualified renewable programme.

The results of such campaigns provide audited emission reductions for the partners involved, and measurable carbon credits allow for itemised accounting. An internationally agreed standard guarantees that it has been done, and not just greenwashing, which is increasingly under scrutiny by international green organisations and the media.

Green investment, greenhouse gas reduction, use of renewable energy, preserving the local habitat and livelihoods of small communities… it would be a long list of opportunities open to those who, out of necessity or voluntarily, participate in carbon neutralisation projects.

Experts working in international scientific societies can provide credible and personalised information on the choice, advantages and disadvantages of appropriate actions. For many years, a leading player in the voluntary carbon market, OurOffset. The experience of their peers and partners is a guarantee that carbon credits are recorded and used in an audited way in this non-profit organisation.

Link to carbon neutrality campaigns | Carbon Neutral Company
Source: Pixabay

Our success stories include more than a hundred partners who have registered with us to participate in various climate policy projects. Their content can be broadly grouped into four types:

  • renewable energy,
  • community projects,
  • waste-to-energy programmes and
  • nature-based solutions.

Within the collection categories, carbon neutralisation programmes have been tested and verified by accurate calculations.

Find out more to get an accurate picture of the carbon neutrality register!


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If you have any questions or require a specific offer, you can contact us by clicking on the Contact menu.

The process of certification and issuing a certificate

You or your colleague can calculate the expected GHG emissions to be carbon neutralised using the free calculator. If you do not wish to use this service, our experts will do it for you.

Data collection and calculation

Based on the information provided on the data request forms and a site visit, a study will be carried out to determine whether your company, service, event, etc. can be decarbonised.

For example, reduction programmes are drawn up for electricity and gas consumption, vehicle use, logistical solutions, posting, waste treatment, the cost of transporting employees to work, or even the operation of refrigeration systems. These are rationalised, reorganised to lower values or to replace previous practices with other solutions.

Local emission reductions and carbon credit purchasing

The range of investments that can be made is very diverse. From building an employee shower and bicycle parking, to building home office collaboration systems, to participating in solar energy, wind turbines or forest conservation programmes.

(According to recent findings, calculating the latter carbon credit is more complicated than the industry previously thought. More specific conditions and specific calculations are required to obtain carbon credits. Our experts will provide an accurate analysis or expert opinion on the pros and cons.)

Meeting the crediting conditions

Projects must meet a set of strict criteria to certify that the intended result has been achieved and is actually being achieved. One of the most important, for example, is additionality, i.e. that the project could not have been carried out without the use of carbon credits.


Once the calculations have been made and completed, the registration is done with clear data and published in an accessible and verifiable way. This task will be provided by the registration body.

This must be done in a traceable, identifiable manner. Thus, each individual credit must:

  • a producer,
  • owner,
  • serial number,
  • type, according to the nature of the activity,
  • classification and
  • a certificate issued by an independent certification body.

For the purchaser of voluntary credits in this way:

  • ensure carbon neutrality, i.e. a profitable, long-term operation,
  • a well communicated promotional value,
  • It reflects the credibility of the company and its commitment to sustainability,
  • increases employee and customer engagement,
  • its business partners can rely on it in the long term as it meets newer standards.

For green projects:

  • a source of funding,
  • enables them to continue operating,
  • that can slow global warming in a chosen area,
  • It can slow or stop the loss of habitat in certain areas of the planet and the associated negative processes (loss of farmland, drinking water supply problems, job losses, rising sea levels, etc.).

The validation objective is met

Carbon credits are “retired” when they have reached the end of their “life cycle”, fulfilled the purpose for which they were created: they have achieved their expected result. Specifically, when the removal of 1 tonne of CO2eq pollutant emitted from the atmosphere or its prevention has been achieved. It is irrevocably entered in the Registry’s registration database.

The key to sustainable operation

Carbon neutrality is an indispensable element of ecological sustainability.

(László A. Rampasek)

Sooner or later, the operation of a company will generate a carbon surplus that requires neutralisation. Economic crises hit businesses in waves. To prevent this, mandatory and voluntary carbon neutralisation can be achieved by investing in genuine neutralisation projects.


Karbonsemlegesítés lépései - Hitelesítés
Source: Pixabay

More information:

  • For information on the professional steps of the validation, the scientific background, the list of newly joined partners and the registry system:
  • If you are looking for information on climate policy updates:
  • For information on global issues ranging from overpopulation to carbon neutralisation:


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