The MÜBSE will be carbon neutral from 2022
The MÜBSE will be carbon neutral from 2022

The MÜBSE will be carbon neutral from 2022

The Mutual Insurance Association of Hungarian Lawyers (MÜBSE) has carbon neutralised its activities according to the results of a carbon footprint calculated on the basis of 2021 data. This makes it the first insurance organisation in Hungary to become ‘carbon neutral’.

The MÜBSE will be carbon neutral from 2022

One of the Association’s strategic priorities, which had already been set out earlier, was to promote solutions for a sustainable economy in the context of social responsibility.

In this context, they have assessed and accredited the carbon footprint of their own operations.

They then started to implement sustainable transformation measures (thermal insulation, heating modernisation, water reduction, selective waste management), some of which will be implemented in 2022, but others will be implemented later.

However, by 2022, the Association’s carbon footprint will have been reduced by purchasing “carbon credits” up to the level of its current emissions, i.e. projects that will reduce the environmental impact of the Earth in a certified way. OurOffset Nonprofit LLC was contracted to carry out the carbon neutralisation.

Source: ClimeNews | MÜBSE
